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i wish i could eat your cancer when you turn black
These ghosts I keep inside
Shards of glass in my veins
Release me from myself, release
From my duality

I face this as a soldier would
But useless is my war
The innocence that smiles today
Tomorrow will be lying

Who is that really dies, when all the people look at me?
And I'm twisting my fingers in my hair
While a mirror reflects me

Now I'm digging to the bone
All the painting
Scratching at flesh, drives me mad
To be alive and free

And the ghosts I keep inside myself
How do they see me?
While again I'm drowning
With my soul
You will save me?

in which i think that i'm not confident
Blood into my hands i can't deny
A buzz into my ears which makes me mad
but i don't look back
while i'm waiting to die
i dont look back
in a weird lullaby
and the hope in my heart is dry
but i dont look back
and i cannot reply
i don't look back
while im waiting to lie
i'll carry on
while they want to decide for me
once again
living in their cage
they are killing me
in which i think that i'm not confident
a tiny hope that burns into my breath
a bitter smile delights me at the end
Finally what you've all been waiting for

Silence disguised
I watch you
Show me the hurt
that haunts you
Would you despise the thrill
If all you hide were mine?
I can't hold on any longer
These feelings keep growing stronger
Echoes that deafen the mind
Will bury my voice in their wake
Caught in a web
Removed from the world
Hanging on by a thread
Spinning the lies devised in my head
I've seen the path
the one you take
shows the truth
for you to make
This turn of phrase
we might not see
is the thirst of desire
found so easily
Try to push me 'round
the world some more
And make me live in fear
I bare all that I am
made of now
Attractive I don't care
'Cause even when I danced with life
no one was there to share
Does this voice the wounds of your soul?
Caught in a web
Removed from the world
Hanging on by a thread
Spinning the lies
devised in my head
Tried to live the life
you live and saw
It doesn't work for me
I bare all that I am
made of now
Attractive, I can't be
Inside the Dance of Life is one
I'll never hold to me
You can't heal the wounds of my soul.
Caught in a web
Removed from the world
Hanging on by a thread
Spinning the lies
devised in my head
Caught in a web
Refused by the world
Hanging on by a thread
Spinning a cage
Denied and misread

In the calm of desolation
Wanting to break
From this circle of confusion

In the depths of isolation
Trying to wake
From this daydream of illusion

How can I feel abandoned even when the world surrounds me
How can I bite the hand that feeds the strangers all around me
How can I know so many
Never really knowing anyone

If I seem superhuman
I have been

It challenges the essence of my soul
And leaves me in a state of disconnection
As I navigate the maze of self control

Playing a lion being led to a cage
I turn from a thief to a beggar
From a god to God save me

How can I feel abandoned even when the world surrounds me
How can I bite the hand that feeds the strangers all around me
How can I know so many
Never really knowing anyone

If I seem superhuman
I have been

Playing a lion being led to a cage
I turn from surreal to seclusion
From love to disdain
From belief to delusion
From a thief to a beggar
From a god to God save me

How can I feel abandoned even when the world surrounds me
How can I bite the hand that feeds the strangers all around me
How can I know so many
Never really knowing anyone

If I seem superhuman
I have been

Hear me, speaking
Asking why I even bother
Tell me, how you
Live from day to day

Take your time and look around
Is this utopia you've found

Sick of all of this
The suffering and we just carry on
Isn't it time we care and lose the hate
Understand our fears

But we do all that we can
Justify the means to and end
Sorry you must excuse me
I've painted my own Mona Lisa
She's fixed everything
Now I'm spoiled beyond my wildest dreams

Blind faith we have in you
Which direction do we choose

Take the streets, the beaten path
Our system works for whom I ask
Yeah I have it all
The bigger house
An iron fence to keep you out

When did we all let you down
So come Messiah show us how how
Our human spirit drowns
Don't think you hear me now
No sign of you around
What is it you hope to see

Blind faith we have in you
Which direction do we choose
Give us something we can use
Cause you've done all you can do

And still life pushes on
With our without you
We've got to carry on
Our will, will guide us to
A place where we belong
Know there lies the truth
I am the believer who gives purpose on to you

I don't think we let you down
So come Messiah show us how how
Throw us a pure lifeline
I hope that you hear me
Too proud to be around
There's more to us than we see now

Blind faith we have in you
Which direction do we choose
Self ignorance, abuse
Cause you've done all you can do

Lost in the sky
Clouds roll by and I roll with them
Arrows fly
Seas increase and then fall again

This world is spinning around me
This world is spinning without me
Every day sends future to past
Every breath leaves one less to my last

Watch the sparrow falling
Gives new meaning to it all
If not today nor yet tomorrow then some other day

I'll take seven lives for one
And then my only father's son
As sure as I ever did love him
I am not afraid

This world is spinning around me
The whole world keeps spinning around me
All life is future to past
Every breath leaves me one less to my last

Pull me under Pull me under
Pull me under I'm not afraid
All that I feel is honor and spite
All I can do is to set it right

Dust fills my eyes
Clouds roll by and I roll with them
Centuries cry
Orders fly and I fall again

This world is spinning inside me
The whole world is spinning inside of me
Every day sends future to past
Every step brings me closer to my last

Pull me under Pull me under
Pull me under I'm not afraid
Living my life too much in the sun
Only until your will is done

"Oh that this too, too solid flesh would melt."

Roll me on your frozen fields
Break my bones to watch them heal
Drown me in your thirsty veins
Where I'll watch and I'll wait
And pray for the rain

Curl like smoke and breath again
Down your throat inside your ribs
Through your spine in every nerve
Where I watch and I wait and yield to the hurt

And if you don't believe
The sun will rise
Stand alone and greet
The coming night
In the last remaining light

Seven moons and seven suns
Heaven waits for those who run
Down your winter and
Underneath your waves
Where you watch and wait
And pray for the day

And if you don't believe
The sun will rise
Stand alone and greet
The coming night
In the last remaining light

Weird Dreams!

FISH DREAM: we're all swimming around in a fish tank and we're fishies and we're following each other around. and we stop because tony has stopped behind us. and u know how fishies do stringed out poohs, well there was white stuff stringing off like that then we realise that a slut fishie is giving him a hand job (do fish even hav dicks?) and hes having a fish style ejaculation.

Dave Grohl : that dave grohl with his moustache was so nerdy he was a chemistry geek and became introverted and weird and became the largest drug prodcer of some random city . he had a house with two front doors, people would go through the first front door hand money through the second letter box and he'd pass drugs back out. his house was all chemistryfocated and boffin like. dave grohl should definitly shave the moustache off.

Kidney charity: A really scary man came to my house asking for charit, and he wanted a kidney and my elterns said he could have mine as it was charity. so i sat on the stairs screaming while he cut me open and took my kidney and my parents were like ' oh stop moaning its for charity'.

Natasha cheese cut dream: she dreamt that her and others were being held hostage by some scary thing, they were tied up in a room with glass window on one wall but the lights reflecting stopped them coming through. the lights dimmed and she saw bodies piled up with cuts across them with slices of cheese placed in the middle! a cut then opened in her hand and she awaited and cheese.

Tash also had a dream she was a 'my little pony' with wings and she was flying down the aisle in sommerfield.

Beccy had a dream that worms had wings and they shot out of the ground menacingly!

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away... Ben was in starwars... and his jedi team were having a battle with DarthMaul, but sadley loosing coz Bens lightsaber was crap.. so Bens other Jedi pal Stu from Neighbours steps in and decides lightsabers are crap and gets out some pokimon playing cards and beats DarthMaul in a card game.. thus good rules over evil and everythings pink and fluffy...may the force be with you..

{if you have any weird dreams let me know}